Vessel Tactics v0.1 is now live!

Change List:

Gameplay Changes:
- Added main menu and basic commander creation.
- Added save/load system.
- Added gacha (Note: The lamias have been temporarily added to the gacha to fill space, but they will be obtained in a different way in the full game.)
- Added shop (Note: While the shop has been added, items do not currently have any functionality.)
- Added new unit: Cheshire. While not usable in battle yet, Cheshire has dialogue for additional scenarios involving the commander being fed to her.
- Lamias are now playable in battle and can be fed to other units, as a side effect of being added to the gacha. Their combat dialogue may be strange in some places, however.
- Vessels will now be leveled up individually, as a temporary bugfix for the save system.
- Possibly a few other things
- Various bug fixes

Other Stuff:
- The way the UnitStorage class is handled has been changed quite a bit. Stomach will no longer store other UnitStorages, but instead Guid references to them. In addition, the UnitDatabase class now only stores a single list of units instead of splitting them into being active and inactive.


Vessel Tactics 531 MB
27 days ago

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(1 edit)

sandbox mode doesnt seem to work is there something wrong with the keybinds or did I miss something?

(1 edit)

you have to right click to disable the battle ui first, then press the sandbox key to bring up the menu

thanks for explaining!

I got a problem... The modded character doesn't appear in most scenarios. Like at weight gain or vore, the character menu, in game, the icons, nothing!

This wasn't a problem in any of the previous versions. Do you have any idea how I could fix this, please?


It's finally here!!! I heard about some of the things put in the hotfix, is that just coming out whenever the next build finishes?

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah, it will release publicly once all of the hotfixes are complete before moving onto the next major version

Ok, I was curious since waits can understandably vary sometimes. Thank you for the response!


Love to see more updates from you!